Free New Years 30 Day Fitness/Nutrition Challenge

Its almost time for the new year, and I wanted to launch another free 30 day challenge in which people could take the opportunity to make a real change in their lives if they were willing to. I have always believed that fitness should not be a commodity, but readily available to anyone who was interested in bettering themselves. From this we have created a community in which people take part, and make a change in their lives for the better. With this challenge we will break the 1,000 participant mark which I could not be more humbled, and proud!

Mae sure to sign up now for the challenge as it begins on January 1st and will run through January 31st!


I asked good friends of mine at Innovative Results to design a body weight routine for this challenge as people have always been asking for me to add this into the previous challenge. Marcus Martinez who is an On It Academy Certified Kettlebell master has taken the time to design a Kettlebell strength program in which he has added into the challenge as well. We aim to give you as many options as possible when increasing your knowledge about fitness. Make sure to check out their websites below!

Instagram: @Innovativeresults & @Battleropeexersizes

Owner / Main Contact Aaron Guyett


Marcus Martinez

Instagram: @Kettlebellexersizes

Owner / Main Contact Marcus Martinez

Comparative Advantage (The Best Business Term)

A couple weeks ago, I released one of my favorite videos I have done recently. "Comparative Advantage" is the most important business term I have learned, and consciously implement on a daily basis. 

I strive to be conscious on how I am perceived by others, NOT for the importance of being accepted, but the importance of self awareness. Continue to push yourself to learn MORE about your personality, and its strengths. The more humble you are when able to identify your personality flaws, will allow you to find people to compliment your flaws with their strengths. 

You Deserve More. 

Watch the full video below.

Intermittent Fasting (IMF as a Lifestyle) Fat Loss / Weight Loss/ Success!

Its finally here! The long awaited video for my personal experience with Intermittent Fasting. I must be honest and say that a lot of my weight loss was due to this, and the more research I did on IMF the more intrigued I became. 

This fit my lifestyle perfectly, and even a week into the fasting process I saw strength gains, and weight loss, and continued to see this throughout my cut. Take a minute to check out the video, because there are multiple types of fasts, and these can be adapted to fit your lifestyle. Remember in order for this to stick it cannot be a fad, or a flavor of the week, IT MUST become a new lifestyle. Build a new habit, and change your beliefs. 

Let me know what you think of the video in a comment below, share with friends, and as always further educate yourself wherever you can.


If you are driving, and would like to listen to the audio version feel free to click the link below for my soundcloud/podcast.


Intermittent Fasting changed my life. I wanted to make sure to take a minute and explain the benefits, and the different types of fasts that are currently accepted! Not many people know about IMF, but I have come to realize that this is by far one of the largest parts to my successful lifestyle change.

Break the mold, and do not be afraid to try something new! Since intermittent fasting, I have been able to eat on a schedule that works for me. IN order to create a lifestyle change, it has to work for you!

HITT Quick and Painful workout!

I just posted a new workout video on my YouTube Channel. Make sure to take a minute and check it out! If you only have a few minutes to get a sweat on I promise this workout will work perfectly. Give it a go!

5 Rounds For Time
10 Kettlebell Swings
5 KB Snatches Per Arm
50 Double Unders

5 Rounds For Time 10 Kettlebell Swings 5 KB Snatches Per Arm 50 Double Unders Give it a go, and drop your time in the comments below! IG: Twitter:

Antibiotics in meat....... Get rid of this shit.

It is absolutely mind-blowing to read the 23,000 people a year die, due to illnesses caused by Antibiotic resistant bacteria. These fast food conglomerates have the ability to use their extremely large purchasing power to change production practices, BUT they don't. We cannot continue to let these companies have the choice, BUT in fact we must use our individual voices and choices to show them that we demand a change.  Every time you eat somewhere, or go to a grocery store you are casting a vote......

Take a minute to read the full article below, and educate yourself.

MY question is what does Starbucks have to hide?

Full Article is available to check out below!

Compex Muscle Stim (At Home Workout) Leg Day!

People are always lost when trying to figure out how to use their Compex muscle stimulator for training. I wanted to take a quick minute to post a video of an easy and quick at home workout that will completely destroy your legs. Not only are you training under NO LOAD, but you are also recruiting 95% of the fast twitch and slow twitch muscle fibers in your body.


Puffed Corn / Millet & Power O's as a Dessert.

That's right cereal lovers, we have some good news in the nutrition world. First of all who doesn't love cereal, it is by the quickest and easiest thing to make on a daily basis. Grab a bowl- pour in cereal-pour in cashew/almond milk-1 scoop of protein- and WHAM you are done....

Wait did I just say protein? YES! Why did I never think of this before is a better question? I have recently been treating myself to a bowl of organic puffed corn/millet with added protein as a dessert! Most times the macros in a bowl are similar to those of a protein shake that includes a (banana, cashew milk, protein). The millet/puffed corn have the similar amount of carbs as a banana without the sugar!

Try it out, and let me know what you think when you do.


2 Cups Millet/Puffed Corn

1 Cup Cashew Milk

1 Scoop Garden of Life Organic Plant Protein

(stir thoroughly)

IF you find yourself to be a Cheerios lover, look no more, and try Love Grown Foods. This Cheerio is power packed with protein, and made from garbanzo beans and brown rice!